Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Monday, June 12, 1995
Monthly Message to All Nations
Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

From Our Lady
"I come to you this evening to ask My children to be compatible with the Church's teaching on the Holy Father's infallibility; My Son's Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist; and My Own role in the Church. These are the areas the enemy favors to attack. Do not be deceived into thinking you can pick and choose which doctrine you believe."
"Jesus asks that you offer all your communions during the month of the Precious Blood, the month of July, for lukewarm priests. That they will return to belief in the Real Presence of My Son in the Sacrament of the Altar." Our Lady now says: "Ask people to extend towards Heaven the objects they wish Me to kiss." She says: "Thank you, My dear little children, for coming in faith, hope and love. Today, I extend to you once again, My Motherly Blessing. And I desire that you use these objects, which I have personally kissed through the angels, to bring souls to Holy Love."
"Dear children, this Ministry will undergo further persecution in the future, but you will endure through the grace of My Heart. Jesus in His Majesty and Mercy will extend yet another grace to bring souls into Holy Love. For when the great illumination of consciences comes in the future, souls will also see that Holy Love is the path, salvation and refuge. It is at that time, many will come to My apparition site. Dear children, continue to pray from the heart, that My messages of Holy Love are propagated throughout the world, and I am blessing you."
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